Lacuna Coil tagged posts

Lacuna Coil-Nothing Stands In Our Way (ouve aqui a nova malha)

Category: 2014Novidades Comments: No comments

(Fonte: Página FB dos Lacuna Coil)

LACUNA COIL – State “Nothing Stands In Our Way”, Taken From “Broken Crown Halo”; Their New Studio Album Out March 31 in Europe/Australia and April 1 In North America

“Through everyday battles, against all odds, we stand united and don’t look back. We go on against crashing economy, heartbreaks, lifelong obstacles. We learn from our mistakes and nothing can stop us. We fear nothing and we are determined as musicians and as human beings”, say LACUNA COIL about “Nothing Stands In Our Way”, their first song unveiled from “Broken Crown Halo”, their new studio album due March 31 in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and April 1, 2014 in North America on Century Media Records.

Check out “Nothing Stands In Our Way” here:https://sound...
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Lacuna Coil-Nothing Stands In Our Way (ouve aqui a nova malha)

Category: SFTD Followers Comments: No comments

(Fonte: Página FB dos Lacuna Coil)
LACUNA COIL – State “Nothing Stands In Our Way”, Taken From “Broken Crown Halo”; Their New Studio Album Out March 31 in Europe/Australia and April 1 In North America
“Through everyday battles, against all odds, we stand united and don’t look back. We go on against crashing economy, heartbreaks, lifelong obstacles. We learn from our mistakes and nothing can stop us. We fear nothing and we are determined as musicians and as human beings”, say LACUNA COIL about “Nothing Stands In Our Way”, their first song unveiled from “Broken Crown Halo”, their new studio album due March 31 in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and April 1, 2014 in North America on Century Media Records.
Check out “Nothing Stands In Our Way” here:https:/...
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Foto Report Vagos Open Air 2013

Category: Reportagens Comments: No comments

Report 1º dia | Report 2º dia

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Vagos Open Air 2013 – Reportagem 1º Dia

Category: SFTD Followers Comments: No comments

A Quinta do Ega foi o local escolhido este ano para acolher mais uma edição do Vagos Open Air. Esta quinta situada mesmo no centro de Vagos foi sem dúvida um local apropriado para o efeito, não só pelo seu espaço, como pela forma como foi organizado para acolher as centenas de pessoas que se deslocaram a mais uma edição deste festival.

Chegada ao local, fiquei impressionada com a visão do recinto, do espaço de lazer e a zona do acampamento. Estava tudo muito bem organizado e o espaço era verde e aprazível. Conforme ia descendo a rampa de acesso ao festival ia vendo o fluxo de pessoas, algumas ainda acomodando-se no acampamento, outras nas esplanadas que se encontravam à entrada do recinto...
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